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Stuffed bacon rolls

  • Ingredients

    2 slices of bacon per roll (preferably slightly thicker slices)

    5 dried tomatoes

    1 clove of garlic

    1.5 tsp finely chopped jalapeno pepper

    4 tbsp natural cream cheese

    BBQ rub, preferably without salt

    Aluminum foil

    piping bag

  • Preparation

    The ideal snack for parties and also great as a starter: Monolith bacon rolls stuffed with cream cheese, sun-dried tomatoes and garlic. Here is the recipe from Kenneth van Puijenbroek:

    First, light the barbecue and prepare it for indirect grilling at 120/130°C. Then (hollow) tubes are formed from the aluminum foil. This works best if you roll them around the handle of a whisk, for example. Then carefully grease the aluminum tubes and wrap two slices of bacon around them. The two slices of bacon should overlap slightly. Sprinkle the prepared bacon rolls with the rub and place on the grill to dry.

    In the meantime, blend the cream cheese, sun-dried tomatoes, garlic and jalapeno until smooth. Season the cream cheese mixture with pepper and a little salt if necessary. Be careful with the amount of salt, as the bacon is also salty.

    As soon as the bacon is crispy, remove the rolls from the grill and leave to cool slightly. Then carefully slide off the aluminum foil and allow to cool further.

    Meanwhile, place the cream cheese mixture in a piping bag and cut off one tip of the piping bag. Once the bacon rolls have cooled, pipe the mixture into them. Voilà! Enjoy your meal!

    Serve this snack immediately, otherwise the bacon will soften again.

A recipe from: Kenneth van Puijenbroek

Kenneth van Puijenbroek ist seit einigen Jahren mit dem Grillvirus infiziert und verwandelt, ausgehend von seinem Beruf als traditioneller Koch, mit Leidenschaft „normale“ Gerichte in Grillgerichte. Er teilt sein Wissen gerne durch Workshops und über seinen Instagram-Kanal @chefs_bbq_table und die Website Auf diese Weise hofft er, möglichst viele andere zu inspirieren. Außerdem kocht er ständig neue Rezepte für uns, die wir gerne mit unserer Community teilen.
