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Stuffed chicken with parsley cream cheese

  • Ingredients

    Recipe for 2 whole chickens:

    2 roast chickens

    400 g cream cheese

    100 g parsley

    (Alternatively chervil or wild garlic)

    50 g breadcrumbs

    2 eggs

    salt, pepper

    Smoked paprika powder

  • Preparation

    Preparation of the filling:

    First puree the parsley with a hand blender. Then mix well with the cream cheese, breadcrumbs and eggs and season with pepper. Then set aside.

    Preparation of the chicken:

    Wash the chicken with cold water, pat dry and place on a board. Cut through the wings at the joint with a sharp knife and set aside. Now hollow out the chicken.

    Once all the bones have been removed, spread the chicken out on its skin side and place the breast fillets between the breast and leg.
    Season the inside of the chicken with salt, pepper and smoked paprika powder and spread the stuffing over the chicken using an angled palette knife or similar. Then fold in on both sides and tie several times with meat twine to give it a better hold.

    Salt the tied chicken well on the skin.
    Prepare the Monolith Classic to 180°C indirect heat and place a drip tray under the grill.

    Now place the stuffed roast chicken on the grill and cook until the core temperature reaches 72°C. When the core temperature is reached, switch the Monolith to direct heat.

    Finally, cut the finished chicken into slices and serve.

    As a side dish, Miguel Molnar recommends pretzel dumplings with parsley and a flambéed mushroom cream sauce.

    Depending on the season, wild garlic, with its spring-like, intense flavor, or chervil can also be used as an alternative to parsley.

A recipe from: Miguel Molnar

Miguel Molnar ist gelernter Koch und Küchenmeister mit langjähriger Erfahrung am Grill. Schon früh hat er seine Grill-Leidenschaft entdeckt und hat sein Hobby zum Beruf gemacht.

Aktuell grillt er in der Grill Akademie bei 360°bbq in Frankfurt. Bei der Arbeit und Privat ist Miguel absoluter Monolith Fan: „Der Monolith Grill ist für mich der beste Grill auf dem Markt, da er Allround für alles, ohne Kompromisse, geeignet ist. So eine Vielfältigkeit bietet mir kein anderes Gerät.“
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