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Cheese and leek soup with minced meat from the Dutch oven

  • Ingredients

    Ingredients for 4 portions:

    100 grams bacon, diced or sliced
    1 onion, diced
    1 clove of garlic, finely chopped
    Coarse sea salt
    1 chili, finely chopped or chili flakes to taste
    600 g minced meat, mixed (beef/pork)
    4 leeks, cut into rings
    1 liter vegetable stock, hot
    400 g cream and/or herb processed cheese preparation to taste
    200 grams cheddar or other spicy cheese to taste
    150 grams of crème fraiche
    Salt, pepper and plenty of freshly grated nutmeg
    Parsley and bread to serve

  • Preparation

    Set the Monolith to approx. 150-180°C direct heat, insert the Dutch oven and allow to heat up. Then fry the bacon until golden brown

    Put the bacon to one side and fry the onion, garlic and chili in the bacon fat with a pinch of salt. Then add the mince and fry, stirring occasionally, until the desired browning is achieved.

    Now add the leek and fry for a few minutes, then deglaze with the stock, leave to simmer for 10-15 minutes and bring to the boil briefly.

    As soon as the soup has come to the boil, place the two deflector stones in the monolith so that the pot no longer receives too much direct heat.

    Add the processed cheese and cheddar to the soup and melt slowly while stirring. Stir in the crème fraîche and simmer the soup a little longer with the lid on, stirring occasionally. Season to taste with salt, pepper, chili flakes and plenty of nutmeg and then serve with the toasted bacon cubes, some chopped parsley and baguette.

    Enjoy your meal!

A recipe from: Marco Greulich

Marco Greulich ist ein Meister der Grillkunst. Als Grillweltmeister und dreifacher deutscher Meister beweist er seine Expertise rund um Kamados, Grillen und Rezepte auf seinem Instagram-Kanal „@barbecueflavors“ und seiner Mit seiner großen Leidenschaft für Keramikgrills erstellt er ständig neue Rezepte für uns, die wir liebend gerne mit unserer Community teilen.
