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Cream of pumpkin soup with bacon and mushrooms

  • Ingredients

    Approx. 1 kg Hokaido pumpkin

    500 ml cream

    125 g smoked bacon (diced)

    1 onion

    Mushroom mix (1 handful)

    1 L chicken stock

    1.5 tsp baharat spice powder

    2 cloves of garlic


    olive oil

    Salt & pepper

  • Preparation

    The first step is to prepare the barbecue for direct and indirect grilling at 150 °C (with 1/2 deflector stone). Place the pan and the Dutch oven on the grill immediately so that they can heat up (indirect pan, direct Dutch oven - perfect recipe for the new Monolith Dutch oven, which is expected to be available from spring 2022).

    Then peel the onion and cut into rings and also peel and finely chop the garlic. Next, peel the pumpkin, cut into quarters and remove the seeds. Cut the pumpkin into large pieces.

    As soon as the grill is at the right temperature and the Dutch oven is hot, add a dash of oil to the Dutch oven and fry the onion and garlic until translucent (do not let them brown!). At the same time, slowly fry the diced bacon in the pan.

    As soon as the onion is translucent, add the pumpkin and baharat, stir everything well and fry the pumpkin briefly. Now add the chicken stock, stir everything well and close the grill.

    In the meantime, cut the mushrooms into smaller pieces if necessary. When the bacon is crispy, remove it from the pan and fry the mushrooms briefly in the bacon fat until al dente. Then remove the pan from the grill and drain the mushrooms on a paper towel.

    As soon as the pumpkin has softened, add the cooking cream, stir well and bring to the boil again. Then briefly remove the soup from the grill and puree until smooth (as few pieces as possible). Once the soup has been pureed, place it back on the grill and thicken to the desired consistency with cornflour dissolved in cold water, stirring constantly.
    Season to taste with salt and pepper (note that the fried bacon is also salty!).

    Finally, serve the soup with the mushrooms and bacon.

    Enjoy your meal!

A recipe from: Kenneth van Puijenbroek

Kenneth van Puijenbroek ist seit einigen Jahren mit dem Grillvirus infiziert und verwandelt, ausgehend von seinem Beruf als traditioneller Koch, mit Leidenschaft „normale“ Gerichte in Grillgerichte. Er teilt sein Wissen gerne durch Workshops und über seinen Instagram-Kanal @chefs_bbq_table und die Website Auf diese Weise hofft er, möglichst viele andere zu inspirieren. Außerdem kocht er ständig neue Rezepte für uns, die wir gerne mit unserer Community teilen.
