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Monolith Kikok Drumsticks from the Foodrock Festival

  • Ingredients

    Kikok chicken drumsticks

    BBQ rub with curry, here "Rubway to heaven" from RocknRubs

    BBQ sauce (here Mississippi BBQ sauce from the USA)

    Maple syrup

    Monolith cherry smoke pellets

  • Preparation

    These Kikok chicken drumsticks are not haute cusine - but honest BBQ soul food and always a hit as festival food. Juicy, tender and tasty Kikok chicken with a curry chilli BBQ rub, smoked to perfection on the monolith with cherry wood pellets and then caramelized with a sticky sweet glaze. It's that easy and uncomplicated to grill 350 portions of delicious BBQ finger food!

    Massage the drumsticks with the BBQ rub and marinate for a few hours. Smoke on the Monolith Grill at an indirect heat of approx. 180°C with a little cherry smoke until a core temperature of approx. 85-90°C is reached and the drumsticks are golden brown and crispy. If desired, spray with a little apple juice from time to time. Mix the BBQ sauce and maple syrup 1/1, glaze the drumsticks with it and leave to caramelize for a few more minutes with the grill closed. Serve with Gran Luchito tortilla chips, salsa and some chopped coriander leaves.

A recipe from: Marco Greulich

Marco Greulich ist ein Meister der Grillkunst. Als Grillweltmeister und dreifacher deutscher Meister beweist er seine Expertise rund um Kamados, Grillen und Rezepte auf seinem Instagram-Kanal „@barbecueflavors“ und seiner Website Mit seiner großen Leidenschaft für Keramikgrills erstellt er ständig neue Rezepte für uns, die wir liebend gerne mit unserer Community teilen.
