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Pulled Pork & Cheese BBQ Doughnut

  • Ingredients

    1.5-2 kg minced meat, mixed

    Cheese of your choice, here 300 g Brie

    300-400 g bacon slices

    BBQ rub of your choice (here BBQ Bob's Mad Maddie's Steak & Burger Seasoning)

    BBQ sauce of your choice (here BBQ Bob's Hav'n a BBQ Original Sauce)

    500 g pulled pork

    200 g chili cheese sauce or melted cheese

    Parsley or coriander, chopped chilies and BBQ sauce as topping

  • Preparation

    Mix the mince with the BBQ rub, place half in a ring cake tin and press down well. Cut the cheese to size, press into the meat and then add the rest of the mince, carefully spread and press down.

    Remove the edges of the tins and carefully turn the mince ring out onto a board or tray. Shape it by hand and wrap it all around with the bacon slices. The best way to do this is to lift the ring slightly with a spatula or similar and push the bacon underneath. Alternatively, you can line the baking tin with bacon right at the start and continue working in this way.

    Prepare the grill to approx. 180°C indirect heat with smoke and then carefully place the meat ring on the grill, preferably with a lightly oiled pizza peel.

    Just before reaching the ideal degree of doneness (core temperature 73-75°C), glaze with BBQ sauce. In the meantime, heat the pulled pork and cheese sauce.

    Remove the finished meat ring from the grill to a cutting board, fill with the pulled pork, top with chili cheese sauce, BBQ sauce, chilies and parsley and serve. A cake server is of course the perfect and stylish accompaniment.

    You can also place the pulled pork or other toppings and nachos in the meat ring on the grill and then gratinate with cheese. However, you should place the meat ring on a baking tray, pizza tray or similar beforehand.

A recipe from: Marco Greulich

Marco Greulich ist ein Meister der Grillkunst. Als Grillweltmeister und dreifacher deutscher Meister beweist er seine Expertise rund um Kamados, Grillen und Rezepte auf seinem Instagram-Kanal „@barbecueflavors“ und seiner Website Mit seiner großen Leidenschaft für Keramikgrills erstellt er ständig neue Rezepte für uns, die wir liebend gerne mit unserer Community teilen.
