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Sweet potato and tomato tortilla cake

  • Ingredients

    3 sweet potatoes

    5 tomatoes

    1 green jalapeño

    1 cup herb cream cheese

    6 tortilla wraps

    Pepper and salt

  • Preparation

    Prepare the barbecue for indirect grilling at 160 degrees.
    Peel and thinly slice the sweet potatoes and place in a mixing bowl.

    Chop the jalapeño as finely as possible and add to the potato slices. If you don't like it too spicy, remove the seeds beforehand and season with salt and pepper.

    Cut the tomatoes into thin slices and line the springform pan with baking paper.

    Spread a tortilla wrap with herb cream cheese and place in the springform pan.

    Cover the tortilla with sweet potatoes and place 4 tomato slices on top. Place another tortilla with herb cream cheese spread on top of the tomato and lay out the potato slices again. Continue until all the ingredients are piled up - make sure you finish with a tortilla wrap.

    Place the springform pan with the cake on the grill and bake for 30 minutes with the lid closed until the top wrap is crispy and the sweet potato is cooked through.

    (If you slice the sweet potato as thinly as possible, it will cook very well while cooking on the monolith).

    Remove the tortilla cake from the grill and leave to rest for about 5 minutes.
    Remove the edge of the springform pan and cut the cake into wedges.

    Enjoy and bon appétit!

A recipe from: Kenneth van Puijenbroek

Kenneth van Puijenbroek ist seit einigen Jahren mit dem Grillvirus infiziert und verwandelt, ausgehend von seinem Beruf als traditioneller Koch, mit Leidenschaft „normale“ Gerichte in Grillgerichte. Er teilt sein Wissen gerne durch Workshops und über seinen Instagram-Kanal @chefs_bbq_table und die Website Auf diese Weise hofft er, möglichst viele andere zu inspirieren. Außerdem kocht er ständig neue Rezepte für uns, die wir gerne mit unserer Community teilen.
