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Wok 'n' roll with beef and chicken

  • Ingredients

    Steak & asparagus:
    4 persons

    Peanut oil
    50 g peanut kernels, unroasted, unsalted
    500 g roast beef, cut into thin strips
    salt, pepper
    1 clove of garlic, chopped
    250 g green asparagus
    1 bunch spring onions, sliced into rings
    1 chilli pepper, sliced into rings
    250 g cherry tomatoes, halved
    2 tbsp cane sugar
    100 ml soy sauce
    100 ml water
    Juice of one lime
    1 tsp cornflour, dissolved in warm water
    Chopped coriander and roasted sesame seeds

    Sweet chicken:
    4 people

    500 g chicken breast or trimmed thigh, cut into thin strips
    salt, pepper
    peanut oil
    1 red bell pepper, cut into strips
    1 bell bell pepper, green, cut into strips
    1 bunch spring onions, cut into rings
    2 carrots, thinly sliced
    1 clove of garlic, chopped
    250 g sugar snap peas
    60 ml honey
    150 ml chicken stock
    60 ml soy sauce
    1 tsp cornflour, dissolved in a little warm water
    100 g mung bean sprouts or other sprouts
    Beet cress

  • Preparation

    Steak & asparagus with tomatoes and roasted peanuts:

    Briefly roast the peanuts in a wok until browned, then set aside. Fry the meat in a little oil, season with salt and pepper and also set aside.

    Fry the garlic, asparagus, spring onion and chilli, then add the tomatoes and continue to fry, stirring constantly. Add the soy sauce, water, lime juice and sugar, as well as the meat and peanuts to the wok and cook everything together for a few minutes. Shortly before serving, stir in the starch water and bring to the boil briefly to thicken. Season to taste with salt and pepper and sprinkle with a little coriander and toasted sesame seeds to serve.

    Sweet chicken with mangetout and peppers:

    Sauté the chicken in a hot wok with a little oil until desired browning and season with salt and pepper, then set aside.

    Stir-fry the peppers, onions, carrots, garlic and sugar snaps for a while. Then deglaze with chicken stock and soy sauce, add the meat, stir in the honey and cook for a few minutes.

    Shortly before serving, stir in the starch water and bring to the boil briefly to thicken, then fold in the sprouts. Finally, season to taste with salt and pepper and sprinkle with a little coriander and toasted sesame seeds to serve.


    Mise en place: Preparation is everything. As things happen very quickly at the hot wok, you should have all the ingredients already cut and even portioned ready. This guarantees a simple process and you look very professional at the grill.

    Small portions are recommended! If the wok is too full, everything cools down too much and just simmers away instead of being roasted properly. It's better to work in small quantities and wok a new portion more often!

    Safety first! Good barbecue gloves and a rack for the hot wok are a must! In addition to the high-quality wok and the necessary tools, the Monolith wok set also includes a stand. This can also be used to set the wok down at the table for serving.

A recipe from: Marco Greulich

Marco Greulich ist ein Meister der Grillkunst. Als Grillweltmeister und dreifacher deutscher Meister beweist er seine Expertise rund um Kamados, Grillen und Rezepte auf seinem Instagram-Kanal „@barbecueflavors“ und seiner Website Mit seiner großen Leidenschaft für Keramikgrills erstellt er ständig neue Rezepte für uns, die wir liebend gerne mit unserer Community teilen.
