Carne picada con calabaza del horno holandés

  • Ingredientes

    500 grams of minced beef

    1 onion, chopped

    1 clove of garlic, chopped

    1 Hokkaido pumpkin, sliced

    50 g dried tomatoes, cut into pieces

    20 grams pine nuts, roasted

    200 g feta cheese, diced

    Herbs of Provence



    Olive oil

    Basil, chopped

  • Preparación

    Heat the Monolith Dutch Oven and the lid as a plancha in the Monolith Grill over a medium direct heat without the deflector.

    Fry the minced meat, onion and garlic in the Dutch oven with a little oil and season with salt and pepper. Oil the pumpkin slices and season with salt, pepper and herbes de Provence, then fry on both sides in the lid of the Dutch oven.

    After a few minutes, add the tomatoes to the mince mixture and cut the roasted pumpkin slices into cubes and add to the pot. Cook for a few minutes with the grill closed until the pumpkin is soft, using a deflector stone under the Dutch oven if necessary. Then season to taste again, mix with pine nuts, feta and basil and serve.

Una receta de: Marco Greulich

Marco Greulich ist ein Meister der Grillkunst. Als Grillweltmeister und dreifacher deutscher Meister beweist er seine Expertise rund um Kamados, Grillen und Rezepte auf seinem Instagram-Kanal „@barbecueflavors“ und seiner Website Mit seiner großen Leidenschaft für Keramikgrills erstellt er ständig neue Rezepte für uns, die wir liebend gerne mit unserer Community teilen.
